The best field-trip location for Egyptian kids, the Pharaonic Village. It is an entertainment park which can take you to an ancient Egyptian journey located in Giza next to Cairo. Although it looked like one of those cheesy theme parks no one ever go, we decided to go nonetheless because my ancient-monument-freak wife was very serious about it. As a consequent, to tell you the truth, it was so much fun! Before we cross the Nile on a boat to the park on the sandback, they showed us dramatization play of ancient Egyptian life in which real people with ancient clothing pretending like they are fishing, making mummies and so forth. It was astonishingly funny to think that it is a normal weekday for them to pretend like striking stones and braiding ropes for all day. Along with the facility tour in the park such as the mummification museum and the pyramid museum, we enjoyed and learned more about ancient Egypt through more hilarious plays. The biggest event of the day for my wife was the museum of tomb of Tutankhamen which is the complete replica of when the tomb was found by Howard Carter. It was as much fun as visiting the real tomb, my wife was totally burnt out after trying a strange mask and a queen costume. Must go.