首都探検も早々に、tofo beachへ。マプトから4,5時間のこの小さな村は直通バスが出るほど南アやヨーロッパからの旅行者も多く、でもリゾート地と言うにはほど遠く、何だか丁度良い感じ。小さなホテルやスキューバショップがビーチ沿いに並び、すべてが他の村の倍の値段のマーケットと、綺麗なインド洋がある。バカンスシーズンのこの時期、宿の値段も倍になり、すべての物価は南ア並み。こんちくしょうと思いながらも、綺麗な海を見ながらのキャンプ生活は、やっぱり楽しみ。
We left the city earlier to go to Tofo Beach which is in a small village 4 ~ 5 hours away by direct bus from Maputo. There are reasonable amount of tourists in the village, not too much like a resort, from South Africa or Europe. Alongside the beach, there are small hotels, diving shops, markets where things are double priced, and the beautiful Indian Ocean. Since it was in the vacation season, accommodations are twice as high and everything is as pricy as in South Africa. I felt kind of damned but also excited to camp in front of the beautiful ocean.
translated by Mizue Kawamura